
Do Termites attack Teak Wood ?

In Dombivali When our termite treatment specialists visit our clients site, they come across a very commonly asked question, Do termites attack Teak wood ?

Because at the time of purchase,they have been assured by their timber merchant, people believe that teak wood is resistant to any type of bugs and fungi infestations. Out of our 27 years of experience in Termite Control treatment, we conclude that this is a tall claim, unless the teak wood is impregnated with right type of chemicals.

Teak wood has very high density and is considered as strong wood among other varities of hard wood. That is why it is so durable.Teak wood by it’s composition has some percentage of natural oils that repel termites and other bugs. It also does not decay or get stained easily. When a house containing wooden furniture and fixture is attacked by termites, the piece of furniture made of teak is the last thing to be attacked by this voracious insect. The only downside of teak is that it’s cost is exceptionally high.

As a matter of fact, termites attack the sapwood (outer layers that conduct water and nutrients to the tree) but not the heartwood of teak ( teak furniture is made of heartwood). If the Teak wood is treated liberally with termiticide and other wood care chemicals, it remains resistant to termites and other wood boring insects.

However, if not taken care of well, then over a period of time teakwood can be affected by age, and vageries of weather and other external factors that will the wood look dull or faded from it’s colour.
