
We offer exclusive packages for termites, giving your property a three-stage protection with a long-lasting residual effect. A thorough inspection is done by our trained technicians and treatment varies with the nature and the intensity of the infestations. Odourless termite control treatments are offered with a guarantee period of seven years, which comprise of a natural spray, highly effective and long-lasting on the termites at the same time it is 100% safe for humans and the environment.

Do’s :

  • Do have your house inspected regularly.
  • Keep pets and children away from areas where pesticides have been applied.
  • Do maintain your house’s landscaping.

Don’ts :

  • Don’t use outdoor pesticides indoors.
  • Don’t assume all pesticides work on all pests.

Treatment :

  • Treatment with approved TERMITICIDE can give protection up to ten years depending on the soil condition and structure.